Part two of the Elizabeth saga stars, once again, Cate Blanchett. And 'stars' is the perfect term for Cate. You could take Cate Blanchett, dress her up as a guy, give her an awful script with nothing to work with and she'd still shine through ... oh, wait, they've already done that; remember: I'm Not There. The latest Elizabeth - the many historical inaccuracies aside - revolves around Elizabeth's struggle with the pirate, Sir Walter Raleigh, her nemesis Mary, Queen of Scots and the Spanish Armada, which, had the weather cooperated, would have had us all speaking Spanish not English at the present moment. That aside, this film is lavish and luscious and Cate steals most every scene ... though the CGI created Armada is a close second. Clive Owen stars (in an altogether different sense) as Sir Walter Raleigh and does his usual stiff and flat acting routine. Not half as good as the original, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, however, sets the standard high for period dramas in the absence of Ivory & Merchant films. The sheer sweep of the film is breathtaking.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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