Requiem for a Dream is a tome poem movie based on the theme of addiction in its various forms - drugs, television, family, fame, hope; most especially hope. Starring Ellen Burstyn (as Sara Goldfarb), Jared Leto (as Harry, her son) and Jennifer Connelly (as Marion Silver, Harry's cocaine addled girlfriend), the film is based on Hubert Selby, Jr's novel. Caught in a decaying Brighton Beach, these three - and Harry's friend Tyrone (played by Marlon Wayans) - quest after their American dreams while saddled by their addiction: diet pills, heroin and cocaine. What results is an excellent drug movie brutally showing the abyss addiction lead addicts to the edge of, and eventually into. It makes for tough viewing but director Darren's Aronofsky's use of what I call MTV directing (1000s of cuts) works well. Burstyn is simply excellent and received a deserved Oscar nomination for her role in 2001. While Aronofsky's six year break in film-making did not serve him well (witness his ridiculous, wandering tome on existence, The Fountain, in 2006), Requiem gives you an example of director in fine form and a very sobering look at the horror addiction wields over hope.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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