Plenty has been said on this movie already and it is an instant classic - dark, thoroughly disturbing and action-filled. In this return to the original genre of the comic book, Batman (Christian Bale) battles the amoral Joker (played with chilling brilliance by the late Heath Ledger) in what is really a psychological drama of good vs. evil. Batman and Joker are the antithesis of each other and the movie, directed by Christopher Nolan, works to leverage the depths realized by these two characters pitted against each other. In the end, this is - and always will be - Ledger's film, a perfect portrayal of a psychopath. The Dark Knight, be warned, is no film for children - or the faint of heart, but within its two and a half hours, shows us a glimpse of the best and worse we can be as men. Run, don't walk, to see this film.
My rating 9 out of 10.

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