Pierce Brosnan has no worries about preparing a speech for Oscars this year. In Mama Mia, he demonstrates a classic example of a (good?) actor utterly out of his depth. He is wooden, uncomfortable, and – yikes – even sings … horribly granted, but he does give it a screechy try. Based on the music of ABBA and a direct steal from the Broadway theatre production that won umpteen Tonys, the movie version illustrates, vividly, that not all Broadway shows can translate to the silver screen. This is no Chicago. Meryl Streep does a fine job as the woman, Donna, who doesn’t know which of three men fathered her daughter Sophie. Her two sidekicks – Julie Waters (as Rosie) and Christine Baranski (as Tanya) are particularly good, Baranski especially. Newcomer Amanda Seyfried plays the girl at the centre of the story. If you are not a fan of ABBA or the theatre version of Mama Mia, avoid this movie like the plague.
I am a fan of both but would still only give this lame, absurd movie my rating of 4 out of 10.

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