You can get too much of a good thing as this latest installation of the mega movie juggernaut proves. The usual stars return for another romp with mystery, Nazis and adventure. Granted, older and more creaky; Shea LeBeouf being the (aggravating) exception. This time out, Professor Henry Jones is on the hunt for an ancient Peruvian city, leading a ragtag band of misfits constantly in hot in pursuit from a group of mystic Nazis headed by Cate Blanchett. Fantastical stuff yes. And while the film is utterly predictable and continues its far-fetched jumps in logic, it does maintain the always great Spielburg pacing and framing and is worth a look if only to bring back the memories of when Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark was fresh and new.
My rating 6 out of 10.

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