Written and directed by Courtney Hunt, Frozen River stars (Oscar-nominated) Melissa Leo as Ray Eddy, a mother trying to keep her two sons together after their gambling addicted father up and leaves with the rent money and the downpayment for their new mobile home. Set in a wee town on the New York State-Ontario border with a sizeable Mohawk reserve, the film explores Native ideas of citizenship, the bonds of love and friendship and the lengths some mothers do go to in order to keep a family together. Out of money and luck, Ray meets Lila Littlewolf (played by Misty Upham), another single mother who is assisting illegal aliens in crossing the St. Lawrence from Canada to the United States, and agrees to join Lila in driving refugees across the dangerous, frozen river. Frozen River is a quiet film with excellent acting on Leo's part that takes the time to really delve into both women's characters. The plot, while simple, is suspenseful and will have you on the edge of your seat to the end and makes venturing onto the thin ice worth every cent.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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