Philippe Falardeau directs this wonky Quebec film of a 10 year old lad, Leon (Antoine L'Écuyer), his passion for suicide attempts and his very wonky family. Leon is a loner who terrorizes his neighbourhood but is protected by his artsy, eccentric mother (Suzanne Clement) until the day she leaves for Greece. Without her stabilizing influence and his father's (Daniel Briere) indifference Leon goes on a tear. Befriended by the neighbourhood's other oddball kid, a young girl named Lea (Catherine Faucher), the two plan their escape from the small town. It's Not Me, I Swear is filled with comedy that masks the pain buried in Leon. Young L'Écuyer carries the film throughout giving us a darker, emotionally wounded character that puts Macauley Culkin to shame. Quirky, odd, sad and absolutely worth seeing. Not for kids.
My rating 8 out of 10.

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