A lighthearted and silly gay comedy of four thirty-something actors playing high school grads who make a pack to get laid by the start of their freshman year. While Another Gay Movie is clearly meant to be a parody of every straight movie of this ilk ever done, spoofs that continue to reiterate gay stereotypes raze the ire of this reviewer to the nth degree. Directed by Todd Stephens, it stars (and I use the term very loosely here) Michael Carbonaro as Andy, the good boy with a panache for vegetables; Jonah Blechman as Nico, the flamboyant queer; Jonathan Chase as Jared, the gay jock and Mitch Morris as Griff, the geeky lad. Canada's own Boys In The Hall star Scott Thompson does a great job as Andy's bisexual dad and Survivor winner Richard Hatch joins the fray - nude throughout - as Nico's obsession. A nod to Ashlie Atkinson here as Muffler, a bull dyke with attitude who steals every scene she's in. Not for children as there are plenty of full-on sexual scenarios here including a shot - heaven help us - of Richard Hatch's, um, member.
My rating 3 out of 10.

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