Suffer poor M. Night Shyamalan, who despite trying has not yet been able to give us anything like the great twisty stories in The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. But like the Energizer Bunny, this overrated director continues to deliver films with the look and to a lesser extent ‘feel’ of these two gems but without their catch-you-off-guard turns. In this one Mark Wahlberg stars as teacher Elliot Moore who with his wife and ragtag collection of others flees over hill and dale towards Harrisburg, staying just ahead of the wind in the willows. And why are we worrying about the wind? Well, seems plants and trees are eking out their revenge on Americans by infecting them so they want to commit suicide just as quickly as possible (rolls eyes). This – ok, let’s say it – dumb movie has nothing happening.
My rating, just to keep my orchid happy and from doing me in, 3 out of 10.

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