Directed by Sam Mendes (he of American Beauty and Revolutionary Road), this film is an ode to finding home. It stars John Krasinski (as Burt Farlander) and Maya Rudolph (as his very 6-months-pregnant commonlaw wife, Verona) and has us journeying with the couple as they crisscross the continent looking for a place to settle down when baby is born. The search is necessary after Burt's parents, Jerry and Gloria (Jeff Daniels and Catherine O'Hara) announce they are skipping town for Belgium. Without grandparents to rely on, or lay roots for, Burt and Verona venture to Phoenix, Tucson, Madison, Montreal, and Miami meeting up with an odd assortment of relatives and friends. In the end, as is so often the case, they find 'home' by returning home. Sweet, quirky, and decidedly not for everyone, Away We Go works by allowing us to remember - as James Joyce so often wrote of - that home is where the hearth is. And that is not a typo.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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