Canadian director James Cameron returns after a 10 year hiatus and delivers us a film that represents the next leap forward in movie-making. Avatar is leaps and bounds better than Titanic (but that is not saying much, I know). The story of Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) heading off to Pandora to be morphed into a Na'vi, a humanoid race that lives by the Gaia principle is simplistic, at best. Worse is Cameron's hit-us-over-the-head references to our disastrous stewardship of Earth and the American panache to think their way is should be everyone's way, That aside, Avatar is a landmark film for its technological achievements. Unlike other 3-D films which place you on the brink of an environment only to startle you with something coming from inside the screen, Avatar is the first that draws you wholly within the environment so that the Pandoran world surrounds you.
It is a 3-D marvel and the future of film, and television and computers and for that warrants my rating 8 out of 10.

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