Antitrust requires us to suspend reality and believe the next big computer breakthrough rests with a fresh-from-high-school-tech-geek Ryan Philippe (as Milo) recruited to work for Tim Robbins (as the Bill Gates-like bad guy, Gary Winston). This thriller is directed by Peter Howitt and it starts strong and get the viewer hooked before crashing - so to speak - as it morphs from being a War Games-like thriller (without the social commentary edge) to a Mission Impossible escapade and a woefully bad one at at. When Rachel Leigh Cook, who stars as Milo's conniving girlfriend with a secret life Lisa, adds her twist to the story half way through, we're beyond really caring what happens but like a computer stuck with a virus, we sit and watch it in befuddled awe till the screen goes black. Thankfully black.
For giving us 2 hours of blatantly anti-Microsoft bashing posing as a film, my rating 5 out of 10.

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