This is a strange 2001 romantic comedy written; directed (and starring) Mike Binder who plays Ben, an American sitcom writer arriving in London to take up work. There he meets Allen (a mis-cast [and obviously desperate] Colin Firth), his wife Carly (Mariel Hemingway) and a French make-up artist who becomes his girlfriend, Fiona (a gorgeous Irene Jacob). The four eventually end up switching partners thanks to the conniving of Carly and Ben. It’s all very odd and the writing is reminiscent of Wood Allen on ecstasy. The characters and their motivations are all superficial and aside from watching the oh-so-beautiful Irene Jacob grace the screen (let’s see more of her please!) the film’s a disaster. Fourplay is one man’s indulgent view of relationships that’s both unbelievable and unwatchable.
My rating 2 out of 10.

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