Telling the little known story of King George VI's (an excellent Colin Firth) struggle with stuttering and the speech therapist, Lionel Logue (an even better Geoffrey Rush), who aided him, The King's Speech recounts a heady slice of European history from the death of George V (Michael Gambon), the ascention and abdication of Edward VIII (Guy Pearce) and the arrival of George VI on the throne at the start of World War II. Directed by Tom Hooper, the film gives us a peek into the Family Royal and the intrigue - real or imagined - of life at court. Everyone is good in this film and the production has a regal air about it fitting the subject matter. The film's best bits though are those with Bertie and Lionel alone working through his stammer and the psychological baggage that birthed it. A good film that marries a history lesson with a drama few of us - at the time - knew was taking place behind the velvet curtains of Buckingham Palace.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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