This film, my guess, received its kudos from the same got-to-give-it-a-good-rating syndrome that marked Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain. Because of the content, and the tragedy associated with it, no one wants to labeled ‘insensitive’ by panning it. The movie recounts the flight of United 93 from its liftoff in New York to its crash in a Pennsylvanian farm field on September 11, 2001. Like you, I continue to be haunted by the events that day. That said; this is just a plain bad movie with laughable acting and more melodrama than an episode of Days of Our Lives. While it tries to be a testament to the brave individuals who, knowing what the hijackers had in mind stormed the cockpit and forced the plane’s ultimate demise, it is an embarrassment for all involved and a shameful example of Hollywood greed at its worse. Aside from showing us a worthwhile insight into the chaos running amuck among the various levels of government that day, its most telling sequence surfaces when director Paul Greengrass intersperses shots of the passengers saying the Lord’s Prayer as the plane tumbles downward with shots of the hijackers reciting lines from the Koran: prayers said, presumably, to the same God.
For this scene alone and its power to let us reflect I’ll give United 93 my rating of 1 out of 10.

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