Based on the Comedy Central television show of the same name, Strangers with Candy is not a film for folks with sensitive feelings. This is a way-over-the-top satire of inappropriateness. It is the film Borat aspired to be. Jerri Blank is a 46-year old ex-druggie, ex-con who exits her 32 year prison term and returns home to find her mother dead and her papa a victim of a coma created on the day she was incarcerated. To make amends, Jerri decides to return to high school and become the person she could have been. What results is wrong, wrong, wrong on every -ism and -phobia level imaginable: sexism, racism, homophobia, you name it. It is also laugh-out-loud hilarious! The best line comes as Jerri admits she’s sold out her science project friends (a Caucasian girl, two Asian girls and two Asian guys) by sharing their plans with the competition, and then says: “You are my friends. Well, the white one at least. You darker ones are like valued family servants”. While definitely not for kids, this film is so wrong it’s ultimately brilliant.
My rating 8 out of 10.

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