Matt Reeves directs this monster|alien version of Blair Witch Project complete with aggravating shaky camera action. The film focuses on a group of New York friends - none memorable - who end up in the midst of a battle royal in Manhattan the night a creepy monster|alien thingee, that sheds wee monster|aliens thingees like itself, arrives in New York City. Despite all logic, one of the ragtag bunch opts to film everything with his shaky cam as they flee the destruction. Probable? Hardly. The acting is miserable but the monster is neat - especially since the special effects had to be translated across the hand-held camera (no small feat) - and it was fun watching just to see how each principal would meet their inevitable end. The promotional title for this flash in the pan film was 'Monstrous' ... and that about sums things up.
My rating of 5 out of 10.

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