Based on a small handful of pages written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button tells the story of a boy born an old man who inexplicably grows younger as he ages. It is a fascinating premise for sure and the tragic love story woven in its 2 hours and 40 minutes is exceptionally well done. Benjamin Button is played by the ever sad puppy-eyed Brad Pitt, and his love interest of 70 some odd years is Daisy, played by Cate Blanchett. This reviewer entered the theatre wary of both Pitt and, of all people, Zodiac and Fight Club director David Fincher tackling a fantasy love story. But both succeed - Fincher more than Pitt - thanks to screenwriter (Forest Gump) Eric Roth. The lessons we learn of love and life as Daisy's daughter, Caroline (played by Julia Ormand), reads Benjamin's diary to her dying mother as Hurricane Katrina roars down on New Orleans, resonate with a truth so real it is sure to overwhelm all who see it. Bring someone you love to see it; and bring tissues.
My rating 9 out of 10.

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