Reputedly anti-Catholic, this Dan Brown populist mystery-in-the-box is sadly anything but. Too long yes; preposterous yes; predictable yes. Directed by the redheaded-(now bald)-child-actor-who-thinks-he-can-direct, Ron Howard, the movie follows the world’s greatest symbologist who apparently can only translate select bits of Italian and Latin?, Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), as he follows clues left by the Illuminati in a tug of war between the Church and science. Supported by an is-he-good-or-is-he-bad Camerlengo (a decent Ewan Mcgregor), Langdon spends the oh-so-long two-and-a-half hours Howard provides him zipping around Rome arriving 2 minutes late each time to prevent the death of another Cardinal. Sigh. Has the world’s greatest Catholic symbologist never been to Rome before? Sigh. If you can suspend reality wholly and enjoy lame preachy speeches, leaps of logic, and the notion a group of old celibate men have the right to speak on our behalf, let alone dictate how we should live our lives, then Amen, you’ll think this movie is like the Second Coming itself.
My rating 5 out of 10.

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