Director Kenneth Branagh takes a decidedly Peter Greenaway approach to this remake of the 1972 classic starring Michael Caine and Lawrence Olivier. In this version, Michael Caine takes on Olivier’s role, playing Andrew Wyke, the British author with attitude whose wife has left him for a younger man, actor Milo Tindle (played by Jude Law). When Andrew invites Milo to his sprawling estate an intricate battle of cat and mouse ensues as the two men scheme to out think each other and plan each other’s murder. Anthony Shaffer’s great play is spun a little more tightly in Harold Pinter’s screenplay and the film works well for its first and second acts. Caine and Law are excellent and Branagh’s stark framing and perfect score play well with the witty and cutting dialogue. While certainly not as good as its original, Sleuth has enough atmosphere and intrigue to keep you interested despite its rather flat ending.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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