Director Greg Mottola seemed to believe a movie about his teenage adventures at an amusement park would make a good film. Unfortunately translating his recollections to the screen leaves this reviewer bored senseless. Jesse Einsenberg plays James, a kid with artsy aspirations to visit Europe before starting college that go awry when his dad is demoted and James is forced to cancel the trip to work as a game attendant at Adventureland. There he meets the love of his life Em (Kristen Stewart) and an assortment of circus freaks he calls friends. The acting is solid but the vibe is all wrong as the film struggles to decide if it is trying to be a comedy or drama (it falls woefully flat on both fronts). To use the film’s own tag line to sum-up, “It was the worse job film they ever imagined”. Avoid.
My rating 0 out of 10.

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