Based on a true story that is truly unbelievable, Domino recounts - granted loosely - the story of Dominio Harvey, a near-do-well lass from England who tossed aside her silver spoon upbringing and modeling career to become a bounty hunter. Keira Knightley stars as Domino and Mickey Rourke in his pre-The Wrestler days (though you can see the seeding of that character here) is Ed Moseby, Domino’s bounty hunter boos. A host of stars play minor roles in this wonky tale that’s so far-fetched it works, including: Jacqueline Bisset, Dabney Coleman; Macy Gray; Mo’Nique; and Brian Austin Green even. While the story is a shamble, what makes this film work is its style. Directed by Tony Scott, it is a collage of images and song that play like an MTV video. While decidedly not for everyone - Domino is a film you’re going to hate or love, no middle ground - its tongue-in-cheek campiness and totally off kilter approach was both refreshing and fun.
My rating 8 out of 10.

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