The rumour is true, Gordon Gekko is back. Released from prison Gekko (Michael Douglas) is out to win the respect of the Wall Street world, regain the trust of his daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan) and assist a young trader, Jake (Shia LeBoeuf) - who is rather too conveniently dating his daughter - in eking out revenge on mogul Bretton James (Josh Brolin) who had a hand in the demise of Jake's mentor Jules Steinhardt (Eli Wallack). Sadly the themes here seem dated despite the rash of Wall Street inside trading and the entire story feels forced. This reviewer has never been a fan of the work of director Oliver Stone. His films are all far too self-indulgent and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (dumb title by the way) is another example of this.
My rating 3 out of 10.

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