Christian Faure adapted (and then directed) the original story by Annick Larboulette about a closeted gay lad who finds himself and love while at agricultural school in France. The film was originally shown in 2000 on France 2, a publically-funded television station, and despite its theme, received but three complaint letters and stole some 28% of the market share the night it was shown. A great testament in a coutnry still struggling with homophobia. Cyrille Thouvenin stars as Laurent, the gay lad in question; Stephan Guerin-Tille plays his love interest, Cedric. What makes this film work where so many other gay films fail is the substance of the story and the performances. You believe these characters wholly. The supporting cast, especially Emma, the token yet endearing 'fag hag' (played by Eva Darlan), are superb. Films like Juste une question d'amour go far to illustrate the true feeling of gay lads coming out, parents struggling with the revelation, and the indisputable fact that love is love despite the bias society tends to place on guys loving guys. Well worth a watch. In French with English subtitles.
My rating 8 out of 10.

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