The Lookout is a bank heist movie with a twist. The twist being the recruitment of a young brain injured lad, Chris (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), into the gang planning to rob a rural Kansas bank. A reckless car accident has left the former high school hockey star with a brain injury that challenges his ability to sequence the daily activities of life you and I take for granted. With the help of his notebook and a blind roommate Lewis (Jeff Daniels), Chris struggles with rehabilitation and depression while working nights cleaning the bank. When a gang slowly reels Chris into their web, he unknowingly becomes the key player - the lookout - in a bank heist that goes terribly wrong. Director Scott Frank keeps the focus squarely on Chris the entire film, and to good effect. We sympathise with his disability and understand the challenges people with brain injuries face each and every day. There are certainly better bank heist movies out there but the use of the heist as a means to an end is done effectively.
For conveying the hope a person with a brain injury has in regaining what was lost, my rating 8 out of 10.

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