Canadian Rob Stewart directed this engaging documentary that reveals some truths about sharks which you may not have known. The key one being they are crucial to life in the oceans and - by extension - to ourselves. The underwear filming is just stunning and the made-for-tv sudden onset of Stewart's flesh eating disease aside, does explore the brutal overfishing of sharks (for their fins) that is currently taking place in two of the worlds most noted eco-friendly destinations - Ecuador and Costa Rica. If you're looking for a balanced view of this crisis, look elsewhere. Sharkwater is decidedly one-sided, right down to finding the dumbest, most challenged english-as-a-second language speaking proponent of 'fining' on earth. And while the film also serves as a 90-minute advertisement for the (very) radical Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, it will make you look at consuming any "sharkfin soup" in Chinese restaurants with real concern forevermore.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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