Taskashi Miike directed this strange film about a murder in a juvenile detention center. The story telling here is handled in a refreshing style and I did find myself caught up in the mystery. This film reminded me of Greyson's Lilies in terms of the style of storytelling that unfolds. Miike's casts a theatrical world of illusion, symbolism and metaphor. The key question being asked (and reinforced by the aztec temple and spaceship launch pad the youths view from the roof of the prison), when you die, where do you want to go, heaven or space? Interestingly, the youth who ends up murdered, Jun, says: "Space; because there's less people." This film would translate so well to the stage or even as an opera (me thinks). It is stark and beautiful and will leave you going 'hmmmmm'. I enjoyed it but suspect it would not be everyone's cup of tea.
My rating: 7 out of 10.

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