Both the director, Bong Joon-ho, and producer were on site to introduce The Host at the screening I attended. The crowd went quite wild when Bong Joon-ho mounted the stage and spoke. They had good reason to. This film works. Essentially, a good-old-fashioned monster movie with a genuine family drama tossed in. Gosh, (spoiler alert) even family members die in this romp. You wouldn't get that in any Hollywood-made film. The monster is great, there's a good dose of American-knocking (which always works for me!), good laughs that work despite the subtitles, and a one-on-one mano-e-mano confrontation at the end. Again, eprops to South Korea and its support of young film-makers. It is paying off.
My rating: 8 out of 10.

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