Well, well, well, where to start with this disaster of a movie? ... How about with my rating: 0.5 out of 5. The premise behind this movie is actually fairly interesting - 'ghosts' invading our world via computer technology - but sadly its execution by director Jim Sonzero fails. Pulse is based on the 2001 Japanese film "Kairo" by director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and has a 'Ringu' feel to it, which makes sense as Ringu was initially filmed way back in 1998.
I gave it a 0.5 just to honour the special effects in the film, some of which are truly eerie and amazing. Otherwise, skip this laughable flick which might be better titled "Repulse". It is simply awful. And if any movie asks you: 'Do you want to see a ghost?' projected on a dark computer screen, say no thanks and keep on moving.
My rating 0 out of 10.

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