This two hours of boredom will certainly make my worse movies of 2006 list. Oliver Stone directs with a steady hand as always but, I'm sorry, I had no connection to the characters and was not engaged whatsoever.
That said, Oliver handles the tragedy of September 11th, the planes hitting the World Trade Center and their eventual collapse expertly: it is understated, sombre, mindful of the horror that happened there 5 years ago. For his delicate touch here, the 1 out of five.
Sadly, once the buildings come down and our two characters begin their ordeal trapped inside, we cross the line into melodramatic Sunday Night at the Movies territory with all the that entails. The musical score, reminiscent of "Six Feet Under", is perfect for it represents where Paramount ought to send this movie. Oliver has found a cure for insomniacs everywhere and should retitle this effort "World Trade Snore".
My rating 2 out of 10.

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