This film was written, directed and stars Chris Chester. As a meaningless aside here, I always worry (and am wary) of films where one individual directs, stars, writes, produces, etc a film themselves. I think, uh oh, this person is on a mission and 'thinks' they have something important to say. That aside aside, Adam & Steve tells the story of, well, Adam & Steve, two gay guys who have a disastrous one nighter in the 1980s only to reunite years later unaware they met years previous. Got all this so far? .... Adam is a recovering substance abuser; Steve a psychiatrist. Needless to say they hit it off, and, after the hickup of realizing they met years previous, get married and - presumably - live happily ever after. The amazing Parker Posey also stars as Rhonda, a very bad stand-up comedian who ends up dating Steve's roommate Michael. The film is fun and campy with some great laughs and scenes (line dancing aside [rolls eyes]) and has a refreshing gay positive feel. While it certainly ain't Oscar material, it did for me dispel the thing I had for films directed, produced, starring etc one individual.
For that, my rating 6 out of 10.

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