This 2004 Hong Kong film, directed by Adam Wong, is short (80 minutes) and shot like an MTV music video (I think it was shot in 16mm or using a digital camcorder). It suffers from too-much-i-tis. Meaning; our director isn't sure during the first 30 minutes what his story is going to be so we wander around the two leads, Michael and David, who are major soccer fans and their supposedly wheelchair bound female school chum; the school's gym teacher and his daughter; english as a second language classes; more soccer; and Miss Chan, one of the school's teachers. When we finally get down to the story, it's essentially a coming of age journey with a twist: seems Michael likes David who likes the supposedly wheelchair bound female school chum. Got all that? ... Anyway, A for F; E for execution (but with a couple nods to both young actors who do an okay job holding things together).
My rating 2 out of 10.

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