Comrades tracks the lives of four small house movie operators in the US, North Korea, Burkino Faso and India. A German production, directed by Uli Gaulke, the film gives voice to every small town, independent operated movie house - and the characters that own them - you've ever visited. Interlaced among the stories of the theatres they operate is the real meat of this production, the stories of the men and women who own them. It's these small stories that shine from the wives of Burkino Faso's three movie kingpins complaining about their husband's absence all night, to the matchmaking story of India's travelling movie-in-a-tent, to the loneliness and saddness of Wyoming's Penny Tefertiller. The rare glimpse you get behind the world's most reclusive dictatorship, North Korea, is worth the price of admission itself.
My rating 6 out of 10.

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