I hope Kim Bassinger had "kleenex and throat lozenges" written in her contract before signing for this, um, thriller. Kim spends her screen time in Cellular crying and screaming (though still manages to look pretty while being thrown around and tossed to the floor - conveniently on the mat in the attic everytime) while The Transporter star, Jason Statham, plays his usual character transported to Los Angeles (no wonder he is pissed). The story (and I'll use the term very loosely) concerns the original idea of cops gone bad. Added to the mix are boy toy hunk Chris Evans stumbling around crashing things for added enjoyment and a way over the top lawyer who keeps losing his Porsche. Everyone walks around for the 90 minutes talking into, yes, cellulars or walkie-talkies and even William H. Macy (who must have been out of rent money for the month) appears to save the day. Awful on many levels and the very embodiment of everything that is bad with Hollywood film-making these days but, you know, worth the ride anyway.
My rating 5 out of 10.

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