We're all familar with this story. Like our parents who can tell you exactly where they were when they heard the news of President Kennedy's assassination, we too can recount exactly where we were when first hearing of Diana, Princess of Wales death in Paris. I was camping at Tobermory and happened to pick up CBC radio news that morning. Like so many, it did not compute in my mind Diana was dead. It was that unimaginable. The Queen, directed by Stephen Frears, recounts that week from the Queen and Prime Minister Tony Blair's perspective and gives, I think, a better understanding (fiction though it is) of the Queen's actions. Helen Mirren as Elizabeth is brilliant and she has the Oscar nomination to add to her Golden Globe. Michael Sheen playing Blair is also great. This is classic Frears stuff with not a false move, note or shot anywhere. I can't really say it's Best Picture of the year quality however. It's all rather pompous and dry stuff, sure, but that's the monarchy for you.
My rating 7 out of 10.

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