Martin Campbell directs this latest installment of the James Bond money-making machine. I'll spare us all the rote comparisons of Daniel Craig to those Bond's who came before him ... really, like the genre itself, this Bond is just like the others, very British and stuffy with an eye for ladies of the icy variety and a panache for verbose banter (sigh). Casino Royale follows Bond's first mission as a 00 agent and has him wandering the usual uppity circles in gorgeous locales following a wispy, tedious story of a uber bad guy with a thing for poker. It's all so been-there, done-that. Sure this film won a slew of British film awards (the brits are self-serving if nothing else), and sure, it's slickly produced, but (yawn) in the end do we really care anymore? I, for one, don't.
My rating: 4 out of 10.

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