Well, does it get any stranger than this? Me thinks not. Only the sorry state that is Hollywood today could conjure up ridiculous plots like this and make a movie out of it. Directed by David R. Ellis (who's more known for his stunts than his directing), it stars Samuel L. Jackson and, well, a whole lot of other B-stars who are killed off by - wait for it - snakes on a plane. So why are there 1000s of snakes on this plane? Asian druglord Chen Leong (played by Canadian Terry Chan) is trying to knockoff a key witness (Sean Jones played by Nathan Phillips) to a murder he pulled off in Hawaii. Our star, Jackson, playing FBI agent extraordinarie Neville Flynn, is there to protect him. Course, the real story here is the snakes and once they slither and slide out all hell breaks loose, complete with biting, lots of blood and horrible, laughable acting. Snakes on a Plane is no classic but it will go down as a cult classic, bad as it is.
My rating 5 out of 10.

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