This film proves two points I'm continually making: 1) just how bad Hollywood movie-making is today; and, 2) just how far ahead the South Koreans are when it comes to story-telling and movie-making. Lake House is a remake of the Korean film, Siworae, released in 2000. While I haven't seen Siworae (it is on my long, long list) I'd wager a penny farthing it's better than this Keanu Reeves/Sandra Bullock effort. What does make this movie interesting, however, is the premise. Single, lonely doctor Kate (Bullock) lives in a beautiful house on the lake ... the same house frustrated architect Alex (Reeves) lives in ... except Bullock is living in the house 2 years ahead of Reeves. She's in 2006; he in 2004. A magical mailbox in front of the house connects them in 'real' time. Despite Reeves woeful attempts at acting, the two do fall in love and concoct a plan to meet in Bullock's time. Gosh, got all that? .... The problems with this film are many, the most distressing one being the utter lack of chemistry between Bullock and Reeves trapped as they are in two different times. Yet, despite it's star power, and the hope of its premise, no amount of time travel would convince me to revisit this slow, dull, ultimately boring Hollywood effort.
My rating 5 out of 10.

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